Canada Announces Measures To Improve Immigration Processing Times

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser has brought forth Canada’s plans to get the immigration system back on track.

In the 2021 Budget, Canada allocated $85 million to reduce processing times across all IRCC lines of business. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also called on Fraser to reduce processing times in the minister’s mandate letter. Fraser is now saying the budget will allow Canada to return to processing service standards for study permits, work permits, and permanent resident card renewals by the end of the year. Canada is also working to reduce processing times for visitor visas and proof of citizenship.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) made decisions on over 500,000 permanent resident applications in 2021. Fraser announced that Canada is planning to make 147,000 permanent residence final decisions in the first quarter of 2022—doubling that from the same period in 2021. Canada will also introduce a new Permanent Residence Application Tracker in February 2022 for spouses and dependents, to allow applicants to see their application information and status online.

In recent weeks, internal IRCC documents have revealed the department’s actual anticipated processing times for economic immigration programs are much longer than what it says on the government website. Fraser said Canada will update the online processing times tool in the coming months to give IRCC clients more up-to-date estimates of how long it will take to process applications.

According to a November 24 memo, at the time, IRCC was expecting Foreign Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) application processing to take 20 months, well beyond the processing standard of six months for Express Entry-managed programs. The same memo said processing was expected to be nearly eight months for Canadian Experience Class (CEC) candidates.

The memo also suggested Express Entry draws would not invite FSWP and CEC candidates for the first half of 2022. Fraser did not give a date for when these draws would resume but said the measures introduced today were intended to speed up immigration processing. He said pausing these draws to process the Express Entry inventory will allow IRCC to eventually hold draws without further exasperating the backlog.

Immigration Canada is currently facing a backlog of more than 1.8 million people waiting on decisions. This includes citizenship applicants, temporary foreign workers, families, students, refugees, and visitors. The Express Entry backlog alone stands at about 119,000 applicants as of December 2021.

For Express Entry candidates in Canada who may have to leave their jobs or leave Canada while IRCC holds off on draws for certain candidates, Fraser said they are looking at options to keep workers in Canada, but they have not yet come up with a “perfect solution.”

“I know that processing delays have been incredibly frustrating for many individuals. Helping clients come to Canada quickly, with predictable processing times and efficient communication with IRCC, remains a top priority for me,” Fraser said in a media release. “Immigration benefits all Canadians—it helps grow our economy and strengthens our communities across the country. Many people are choosing Canada as the place to visit and build their future, and to ensure that we stay competitive, we have introduced concrete measures to make sure those who want to come to Canada have the client experience they deserve.”

How IRCC has started to reduce processing times

The pandemic highlighted the need for IRCC operations to modernize. In response to pandemic-related challenges, IRCC has hired about 500 new processing staff, digitized applications, and reallocated work among IRCC offices around the world.

Since public health measures reduced in-person services, IRCC has brought some paper-based immigration programs online. IRCC previously told CIC News in an email it expects the online application portal to be fully implemented in the spring or summer of 2022. IRCC says so far these efforts have allowed average processing times for spousal sponsorship applicants to return to the service standard of 12 months for new applications.

IRCC has also developed a portal to allow permanent residence applicants in Canada to finalize their process and receive their permanent residency cards without any in-person interaction. From June 2021 to December 2021, 225,000 permanent residents have used this portal.

IRCC recently issued a media release saying it is using advanced data analytics to speed up Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) applications. The system does not refuse or recommend refusals of applications, IRCC says only immigration officers can do that. It was first implemented in 2018, and allows applications to be assessed 87% faster.

For citizenship applicants, IRCC has introduced online testing, created an online application tracker, and launched virtual citizenship ceremonies. Canada has sworn in 170,000 new Canadians since April 1, 2020. Canada is continuing to expand the use of virtual ceremonies.

In the future, Canada is looking to allow people to self-administer their Oath by signed attestation, and celebrate their citizenship at a later date. This would shorten the waiting time for those at the final stage of their citizenship process.

Interest In Canadian Immigration Remains High: Study

A new survey of over 13,000 prospective immigrants shows that interest to move to Canada remains strong.

The survey was conducted by World Education Services (WES) Canada, a designated provider of Educational Credential Assessments (ECA) for Canadian immigration.

In 2020, WES surveyed individuals that had submitted an ECA application to better understand how the coronavirus pandemic was impacting their Canadian immigration plans.

In August 2021, WES repeated the survey to compare responses and to see if the evolving pandemic context has impacted the motivations of respondents to immigrate to Canada.

WES reports there is no decrease since 2020 in respondents being interested in immigrating to Canada. Nearly 52 per cent of respondents said the pandemic would have no impact on their immigration plans. Nearly 93 per cent said the pandemic would either have “no impact” or make them “more interested”.

In the 2021 survey, 33 per cent of respondents said they felt the pandemic would negatively impact job availability in Canada, down from the 45 per cent who felt this way in 2020. Meanwhile, 35 per cent said they felt the pandemic would have a positive impact on job availability, compared to 27 per cent who felt this way in 2020.

Some 58 per cent of respondents indicated they were more interested in immigrating to Canada due to the Canadian government and health care system’s ability to manage the pandemic and care for COVID-19 patients.

Only 21 per cent stated the pandemic would delay their Canadian immigration plans, compared to 35 per cent in 2020.

On the other hand, 22 per cent said they are interested in immigrating to a country other than Canada, compared with 13 per cent in 2020.

Respondents suggested they would still have a strong desire to pursue Canadian permanent resident status even if challenging economic or personal circumstances arose. For instance, 74 per cent said that an economic recession in Canada would either have no impact or would increase their interest in gaining permanent residence. This is up from the 69 per cent that responded the same way to this question in the 2020.

They also felt more optimistic about job prospects in Canada amid the pandemic versus prospects in their home countries. Some 77 per cent said they felt COVID-19 would have no impact or a positive impact on jobs in their occupation or sector compared with 69 per cent in their home country. Just 23 per cent felt it would have a negative impact, a decrease compared to the 28 per cent who felt their would be a negative impact on jobs in their occupation or sector in Canada in 2020.

Among those considering delaying immigrating to Canada, the top three reasons cited were travel restrictions, a significant increase in Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) processing times, and a decrease in jobs in their field in Canada.

Canada was looking to welcome another 341,000 immigrants in 2020, mostly under the economic class, before the pandemic hit. It imposed travel restrictions to limit the spread of COVID which reduced new immigrant landings to just 184,000 that year.

Travel restrictions have since been lifted for the most part. However the pandemic has increased IRCC’s backlog to 1.8 million applicants which has slowed processing times. Canada’s economy improved in 2021 and the country currently has its highest job vacancy rate on record with nearly 1 million available jobs.

In 2021, Canada sought to land 401,000 new immigrants and achieved this goal largely by transitioning those in Canada to permanent residence. The Canadian government will announce its new Immigration Levels Plan 2022-2024 by February 14. The plan will indicate the number of new immigrants Canada will seek to welcome this year, and the categories they will fall under.

The current plan aims to welcome 411,000 new immigrants this year of which nearly 60 per cent are set to arrive under the economic class.

Canadian Immigration Minister Talks Backlogs, International Students And PGP In TV Interview

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser Appeared On Prime Asia TV Canada To Discuss Topical Issues In Canadian Immigration.

Canada’s minister of immigration, Sean Fraser, sat down to talk about Canadian immigration with Prime Asia TV business head, Deepinder Singh.

The interview covered a number of topics relating to challenges brought on by the pandemic and possible solutions for the future. Among other things, Fraser spoke about his mandate to support immigration pathways for international students and temporary foreign workers, and the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP).

Singh began the interview asking about the backlog of 1.8 million people waiting to get a decision on their applications to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). He noted that the impending applications are enough to exceed the current immigration targets for this year. As per the 2021-2023 Multi-year Immigration Levels plan, Canada is expected to land 411,000 newcomers this year, although that could change when the new targets are released in February.

Fraser said the problem began with the pandemic. In order to exceed their 2021 target of 401,000 newcomers amid travel restrictions, Canada had to land people who were already in the country. He also noted that there was an increase in the number of people who applied to come to Canada. As a result, they ended with two normal years worth of applications in the inventory, but it does not mean IRCC will not consider new applications.

Express Entry draws and programs for international students

Given that there have been no Express Entry draws for Canadian Experience Class (CEC) candidates since September, people who would normally be eligible to apply for immigration are seeing their temporary statuses expire, forcing them to quit their jobs or even leave Canada. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) candidates, who are largely outland candidates but also inland, have not had a draw since December 2020.

Fraser did not say if there were any work permit extensions being made for these candidates. He did reference his mandate letter, which calls for him to find pathways to permanent residence for international students and temporary foreign workers. He said there have been no final decisions on what those different programs will look like.

Fraser said the pause in FSWP draws is temporary, and that Canada does intend to resume draws for this program. He did not give a timeline.

He also said he was interested in exploring new ways to make it easier for international students to consider their studies a “springboard” to Canadian permanent residency.

“There’s some work that needs to be done to get there, but I’m committed to doing that work,” Fraser said.

Express Entry backlogs

It has been recently revealed through an internal memo that some Express Entry candidates could wait up to 20 months, almost three years, to get a decision on their file.

In response to Singh’s question on the topic, Fraser said, “to suggest everyone is going to be waiting three years is not a fair assessment.”

The memo had referenced specifically that FSWP candidates were looking at processing times of about 20 months, and CEC candidates were facing wait times of nearly eight.

Fraser said that the government would continue to to have Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)-specific Express Entry draws.

The minister also said he is looking to increase the number of newcomers who arrive in Canada—both as temporary residents and permanent residents—and make it easier for temporary residents to gain permanent residency status over the long term.

Canada needs immigrants to support labour shortages

Fraser noted that Canada is short one million workers, and that 100% of labour force growth comes from foreign workers.

The issue of slow work-permit processing is one of the five areas covered in Canada’s $85 million budget to improve the immigration system. Fraser also says he anticipates the Trusted Employer Stream will reduce barriers for employers that have a good track record of hiring foreign workers.

Plans for special health care worker programs

Fraser confirmed there were plans to allow more foreign health care workers move to Canada. He said the issues is important as there are currently only three health care workers for every senior in Canada, and the labour shortage issue will only keep growing.

He said Canada is prioritizing the processing of foreign health care workers, an initiative which started doing during the pandemic.

Fraser also said that some of the other options they have is to work with the PNPs, and improve foreign credential recognition.

Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP)

Fraser called the PGP his biggest challenge as immigration minister.

“One of the thing that makes this the most challenging stream is the demand we have given the spaces that are traditionally available,” Fraser said.

The immigration minister said in a given year there are about 200,000 applicants applying for some 10,000 spaces.

In 2020 and 2021, the PGP was once again a lottery system. Critics say the lottery system is unfair to those who have been waiting in the pool of candidates for years. In defence of the lottery system, Fraser said, “although it does not work out for everyone it does put everyone on equal footing.”

Fraser said he is actively seeking feedback from colleagues, but did not say one way or the other if the methodology would change for PGP applications this year.

Minister Fraser: IRCC Still Developing Its Express Entry Strategy For 2022

Meeting Notes Between Canadian Immigration Lawyers And Immigration Minister Sean Fraser Add Nuance To Discussions On Express Entry In 2022.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is still in the process of evaluating its Express Entry strategy for 2022, according to Immigration Minister Sean Fraser.

Express Entry is the main way Canada welcomes economic class immigrants. Candidates that meet the eligibility criteria of the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), or Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) are able to upload an Express Entry profile onto IRCC’s website. They get a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score based on the likes of their age, education, language skills, work experience, among other criteria. Approximately every two weeks, IRCC invites candidates to apply for permanent residence. Prior to the pandemic, FSWP candidates were the main recipients of Express Entry Invitations to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence.

During the pandemic, CEC candidates have received the most invitations. However, since September, IRCC has only been holding Express Entry draws for Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates in an effort to reduce its backlogs. IRCC continues to hold regular biweekly Express Entry draws, including most recently on January 19.

Fraser: IRCC still weighing its Express Entry options; has no plans to cancel applications

The recent public revelation of an internal IRCC briefing memo, signed on November 24, 2021, has fuelled speculation about Canada’s Express Entry strategy for this year. The memo explores the possibility of extending the pause on Express Entry invitations to FSWP, CEC, and FSTP candidates until the middle of this year to give IRCC more time to cut backlogs. However, due to the heavily redacted nature of the memo, much of its context is missing, leaving readers guessing how IRCC will manage Express Entry moving forward. The total immigration application backlog stands at 1.8 million people waiting in the queue as of December 2021, of whom some 120,000 fall under Express Entry.

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser put some of the speculation to rest in a meeting with the Canadian Bar Association’s Immigration Section on January 20. The CBA’s Immigration Section is an association that represents Canadian immigration lawyers and meets with the Canadian government regularly to discuss how to improve the immigration system.

The minister stated that IRCC has yet to schedule its next FSWP and CEC draw, but they are still looking at their Express Entry draw options for 2022.

Fraser explained to the CBA that IRCC does not plan to cancel and refund already-submitted permanent residence applications in order to reduce its backlogs. This has been speculated on social media since it is something the Canadian government did about 10 years ago to reduce its inventory.

Minister Fraser pointed out that IRCC is working to stabilize application processing so that it can reduce its backlogs and noted the Canadian government has recently allocated an additional $85 million to support this goal.

Occupation-specific draws a possibility in the future

Fraser explained that IRCC is exploring the possibility of holding “occupation focused [Express Entry] draws responding to labour needs,” according to CBA notes.

The Canadian government’s Budget 2021 alluded to this possibility noting the government’s desire to reform Express Entry to “select those candidates who best meet Canada’s labour market needs.”

Issuing Express Entry invitations based on occupational background would be novel for Express Entry, but it would also harness a longstanding approach that has been employed by IRCC and the provinces and territories for decades.

In the past, FSWP candidates needed to fall under a National Occupational Classification (NOC) code that was in-demand in order to be eligible for the FSWP. Today, under various federal and provincial pathways, you need to fall under an eligible NOC in order to pursue immigration through the pathway.

Since its launch in 2015, Express Entry has managed FSWP, CEC, and FSTP candidates based on their CRS score, and more so during the pandemic, based on program of eligibility. Prior to the pandemic, IRCC typically invited candidates with the highest CRS scores to apply for permanent residence irrespective of their program of eligibility. The rationale for this approach was that those with the highest CRS scores had the best likelihood to integrate into the Canadian labour market.

IRCC last held an all-program draw in December 2020. Between January and September 2021, IRCC issued invitations to CEC and PNP candidates eligible for Express Entry. The rationale for focusing on CEC candidates is they are most likely to be in Canada, and therefore they would not be impeded by travel restrictions or other public health measures. The rationale for inviting PNP candidates is so that IRCC can assist the provinces and territories in addressing their labour market needs.

Introducing an occupation-based approach to Express Entry invitations would provide IRCC with an additional tool in alleviating labour shortages. Express Entry already awards 50 or 200 CRS points for arranged employment but most candidates are able to earn a permanent residence invitation without a job offer. In 2020, only 16 per cent of those who received an ITA had arranged employment.

Visa Consultancy Services: Tips To Apply For A European Or Schengen Visa

Everyone will need a visa to enter the Europe. Many visa consultants in Qatar can help you with the processes. But before that, here are some tips to apply for a European visa .

Why it is important to get professional assistance if you are moving abroad for the first time?

One of the hardest jobs for anyone to do is immigration. Strict immigration laws in many countries make the procedure challenging and complex. Before beginning the immigration process, you must gain extra information to learn the appropriate procedures and gather all the materials you’ll want. Here’s where immigration experts can help.

Immigration experts are not just simple people, they possess amazing skills and years of experience with different immigration procedures. They can handle a wide range of immigration-related situations due to their immense experience. They are completely trustworthy, and unless you don’t meet all of a particular country’s requirements for immigration, the success rate of your application is very high.

Europe Visa Application

There are a few procedures you must do to apply for a Europe visa/Schengen visa . As part of the application process, there are specific steps that you must follow.

The following steps are involved in applying for a European visa in Qatar:

  • Check the type of European visa you require- Purpose of visit
  • Choose where you should submit your application.
  • Obtain the necessary paperwork for your visa application as per the guidelines and rules of specific country which is very important for the approval of your visa.
  • Fix an Embassy appointment for submission of visa.
  • Visit the Embassy to attend the visa interview.

Why choose us?

We at Smart Voyage Migration are one of the top visa consultants in Qatar. With more than a decade of experience combined with a skilled team, we ensure smooth and hassle-free processing of all your documents.

With Smart Voyage Migration, your immigration procedures just got easy. All you have to do is submit the documents and we will take care of the rest. Bear in mind that even the slightest mistake can get your application rejected. Hence, it is always safe to work all the immigration procedures through a professional who knows the evolving rules and regulations.

If you are planning to visit any European place for work or pleasure purposes, let us know. As one of the top migration consultants in Qatar and UAE, we shoulder all your responsibilities while keeping you updated at every step. We provide the best immigration packages at affordable prices without any hidden charges. At Smart Voyage Migration, we provide our clients with simple, safe, and successful solutions.

Want to know more? Feel free to call us today at +974 31443449 or email us at

What Makes An Immigration Consultant A Good Investment?

Planning to go overseas? Immigration can be a painstaking process. However, it can be made easy with the help of migration consultants. If you are looking for migration consultants in Qatar, then Smart Voyage Migration is there for you.

There are many reasons you should hire an immigration consultant and why it is considered a good investment. Here are some of them.

Okay, first of all, let us be clear that it is not mandatory to hire an immigration lawyer or consultant. You can do it yourself if you are an expert in immigration procedures and migration rules. But with the ever-evolving rules, immigration and migration terms and conditions change. If you find it difficult to stay updated, then we suggest hiring professional immigration consultants who can ease the entire process.

There are many reasons you must hire experts:

  • You may have difficulty finding the right immigration program
  • You don’t know the new immigration rules
  • You can go wrong with the immigration steps or procedures
  • Have trouble with documents and deadline
  • If your application gets rejected, you may not know what is the next step

1. Documents And Deadline

It is the responsibility of the immigration expert you hire to complete the paperwork on time. Doing it on your own can be a time-consuming process. For instance, if you apply for immigration on your own and a mistake happens, your application might get rejected and you might not be aware of the rejections.

Here are some important things that the council might reject for the reasons listed below.

  • Incomplete documents or papers
  • If you are convicted of a crime (If you have a minor case like rash driving or an assault)
  • Medical condition rejections.

However, if you hire migration consultants in Qatar, they will carefully examine your profile and assist with the documents and deadline processes, thus saving you both time and stress. There are many business immigration consultants who can help you with the necessary procedures.

2. Increased Success Rate

Although hiring an immigration consultant doesn’t guarantee that your visa will be approved, it does raise the likelihood that your application will be successful. You should be informed of the following conditions before engaging an immigration consultant.

  • Ask about their success rate.
  • Professional guidance
  • Customers’ feedback and testimonials
  • Check the terms and conditions of the company.
  • They should be well-versed in immigration laws.

3. Consultation Fees

If you employ an immigration advisor, they will bill you in accordance with their terms and conditions. The majority of trustworthy immigration consultants have reasonable charges and don’t make any misleading claims about immigration laws.


Check the terms and conditions and years of experience of any immigration lawyer or expert before hiring them to obtain a clear idea. If you are interested to move overseas, know if you are going for a job, study, or business immigration. Turn to Smart Voyage Migration for all your migration needs. We provide a straightforward and hassle-free approach and we will professionally assist you with the immigration rules and processes to the nation of your dreams.

Why choose us?

We understand you will have a lot of questions. We are the top migration consultants in Qatar and are ready to answer all your questions and help you with smooth and hassle-free immigration overseas.

  • Honesty and Sincerity – We are upfront and straightforward with our clients.
  • Integrity – We fulfill the promises we make to our clients.
  • Ethics – We are ethical people who abide by all relevant local, national, and international regulations when collaborating with clients.
  • Case processing – We carry out all the procedures as quickly and efficiently as we can.
  • Communication – We are in constant touch with our clients and ensure that they are always informed about every update of the cases.

Call us at +974 3144 3449 or email us at

Available Jobs And The Requirements To Be Met In Order To Apply For A European Work Permit

Are you planning to work in Europe? Then, this is a complete guide for you. Read on to know the eligibility requirements, visa requirements and procedures to work in Europe.

I want to work in Europe. What is a Schengen work visa?

The phrase “Schengen work visa” is a misnomer. Only those with a National D-type Work visa, which is granted by the country in which you intend to work and does not permit employment in another state, are permitted to work in Schengen countries for extended periods.

However, if you are visiting Schengen for work reasons and your journey will last less than 90 days, you can apply for a short-stay Schengen work visa. To obtain a short-stay visa valid for as long as you are posted in the desired Schengen Area, you must show proof that the travel is intended for work-related purposes. Prior to your visa’s expiration date, you must depart from your host country.

You require a long-stay work visa type D if your commitments last longer than 90 days. Moreover, you might have to authenticate it within three months after your arrival.

How to get a European work permit?

You must determine whether you are eligible for the employment visas provided in the nation where you desire to work before applying for a work visa for Europe. meeting the requirements, gathering the necessary paperwork, and setting up a visa interview.

What paperwork is required to get a Schengen work visa for a brief period?

You require a letter of invitation stating your business relationship and the objective of your visit if you need to go to the Schengen Area for work-related reasons, such as to represent your firm or meet with investors, suppliers, potential clients, or consumers. You should include a schedule of the business operations with the invitation letter so you can show your work plans.

If you are an employee, you should submit additional proof from your employer that you are an employee of the company, your profile, and your job responsibilities. They must include your title, date of employment, pay, and the reasons you need to travel for work. Obtaining a no-objection letter from your employer from your home country is a smart option. You must submit a copy of your business license, a company bank statement for the previous six months, and an income tax return if you are self-employed.

Europe Employment Visa

Every Schengen member state has its visa regulations, and these regulations vary from one state to the next. The purpose of the employment visa programs in European nations is to meet the labor demands of the respective nations and address any job constraints.

As a result, the criteria and conditions for employment visas as well as the application procedure are heavily influenced by the need for labor in each country.

Who requires a visa to work in Europe?

US, Australian, Canadian, Israeli, Japanese, New Zealand, Swiss, and EU residents do not require a work visa to enter Europe. However, individuals must apply for their residence and work permits after they arrive in the country where they will be employed. Before traveling to the Schengen region for employment, citizens of other countries must apply for and get a work visa.

Requirements For A European Work Visa

The following criteria must be met to obtain a European job visa:

  • Application form – Fill out the application form and take two printouts. Don’t forget to sign both copies!
  • Two photos – make sure that the photos must be identical and as per the standard photography requirements for Schengen visas, these photographs must have been taken within the last three months
  •  Valid passport – Your passport must be less than 10 years old and still be valid for at least three more months on the day you want to depart the Schengen zone. For the visa sticker, there must be at least two blank pages.
  • Booking a round-trip flight. This should include the entry and exit dates as well as the flight numbers.
  • Travel health coverage – The insurance must provide up to 30,000 euros to cover any medical emergency, hospital care, and any necessary travel return to the patient’s home country. Make sure that the insurance is valid throughout the entire Schengen country before you get the Schengen visa.
  • Proof of accommodation – A lease agreement or other paperwork stating your intended place of residence within the Schengen Region.
  • Employment agreement. An employment agreement that you and your prospective employer, who lives in the Schengen area, sign.
  • Proof of academic credentials such as transcripts of grades, diplomas, and certificates.
  • Language proficiency certification. Even if you only want to work there for a year, the majority of countries still want you to blend in. Because of this, a lot of them will demand that you have a certain level of proficiency in their native tongue.

Please keep in mind that these are merely the minimum conditions you must meet to obtain a work visa for Europe. Every Schengen member country as well as other European nations outside of this area has its own unique standards.

Obtaining a European Work Visa

Follow the directions listed below to obtain a work visa for Europe:

  • Verify the employment visa options available in the nation where you want to work.
  • Find out if you are eligible for an EU work visa.
  • Meet the requirements for an EU work visa. Some countries will demand that you obtain employment before submitting a visa application. Before requesting a visa, make sure you meet these kinds of conditions.
  • Assemble the paperwork needed for a work visa
  • Set up a visa interview.
  • Bring all necessary paperwork with you to the interview.
  • Await the processing of your visa!

Remember that this is merely the routine process for requesting an employment visa in Europe. The specific procedure may vary from one country to another.

Where to apply for a working visa in Europe?

Fill out a visa application and submit it to the agency in your home country that is affiliated with the country where you plan to work. The body could be one of the following:

  • Their embassy
  •  Their consulate
  • A visa application center

When to Seek a Work Visa for Europe

It is strongly encouraged that you apply for a work visa for Europe at least two months before your visit to the Schengen nation where you intend to work. This is due to the six-week processing time required by European embassies for applications for employment visas. The processing period may be increased in exceptional circumstances by up to 12 weeks.

Is it challenging to obtain a work visa?

To work in Europe, the US, Australian, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, or citizens of other non-EU nations must apply for a work visa. According to their unique needs, each Schengen sovereign nation has its own immigration laws governing individuals of other countries. This implies that the exact immigration laws of the nation you intend to work in will influence the efficiency with which you can apply for a visa. Your chances of approval will depend on your career and if you are the right match for the nation’s labor requirements. It’s possible that the national authorities will also require your future employer to get a work permit.

What is the validity of the work visa?

Usually, work visas for Europe are valid for a year. However, after their visas expire, visa holders in the majority of countries have the option to seek extensions.

Can I extend my work permit for the EU?

Most countries will allow you to extend the EU work permit. Before your visa or residence permit expires, you must fill out an application and provide the necessary documentation to the proper authorities in your European country of residence.

Why choose us?

To Work in Europe is a dream for many due to the various benefits they carry. If you are looking for a Europe work permit from Qatar, Smart Voyage Migration is ready to assist you. We handle all the responsibilities while updating you at every step. Smart Voyage maintains 100% privacy and confidentiality of your documents and provide you with a seamless experience with your visa. Call us at +974 3144 3449 to know how we work and we will be glad to provide you with a free consultation.

Paving The Way To Canada: Our Expertise In Work Permits From Qatar

Are you looking for the Canada work permit from Qatar? Several residents of Qatar aspire to emigrate to Canada each year. On this website, you may find information about your immigration choices if you live in Qatar and want to immigrate to Canada.

The number of people deciding to relocate permanently to Canada has increased. It’s interesting that this is a rare nation that actually welcomes immigrants and gives them equal opportunity to settle and prosper. In recent years, a sizable number of immigrants from the Gulf countries have arrived in Canada. As a result, many people in Qatar consider opting for business immigration and immigrating to Canada and settling there permanently.

Economic Immigration Programs to Immigrate to Canada from Qatar

This is a guide to assist you with Canada’s primary economic immigration programmes which also includes Canada work permit from Qatar if you intend to immigrate there but are unsure of where to begin. Economic Class, Family Class, and Refugees are the three categories into which Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) divides immigration.

Immigration from the economic class has so far been the most common route. These immigrants are eligible for permanent residency due to their job history, level of education, and other financial considerations.

On the other hand, the second-most common route to Canada is through family sponsorship. Canadians can do this in order to sponsor their wives, kids, common-law partners, parents, grandparents, and other people who fall into this group. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) refers people who are eligible for Canada’s refugee immigration programme.

Express Entry

The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) each have their own application management system.

The typical route for applicants who have never worked or studied in Canada is the Federal Skilled Worker Program. The following are necessary for FSWP eligibility:

  • Minimum one year of eligible work experience
  • Minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 7 on your English or French language test
  • Minimum one educational credential;
  • To prove proof of funds (if you do not have a valid Canadian job offer); and
  • To score a minimum of 67 out of 100 points on the FSWP scoring grid.

For those who have prior experience residing and working in Canada, a new road to permanent residence status has been established through the Canadian Experience Class. To be eligible for the CEC, you must:

  • Minimum one year of eligible work in Canada within the last three years
  • a CLB 7 or higher for jobs that fall under National Occupational Classification (NOC) A category, or a CLB 5 for jobs that fall under the NOC B category.

A method for talented tradespeople to become Canadian permanent residents is the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP). To be eligible, you must have the following:

  • Minimum two years of skilled trades work experience within the five years before applying
  • Minimum CLB of 5 for speaking and listening and 4 for reading and writing in English or French
  • To demonstrate proof of funds (if you do not have a valid Canadian job offer)

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is used by Express Entry to assess the profiles of applicants. With Express Entry drawings, the candidates with the best scores are given an ITA for Canadian permanent residency.

Provincial Nominee Program

Except for Quebec and Nunavut, the majority of Canadian provinces and territories are in charge of their own immigration policies. These initiatives act as routes to immigration that position participants for local economic success.

The Fast Entry system oversees several PNPs. A provincial nomination application will be made available to qualified candidates. Another 600 points will be awarded to you if you are nominated, and this ensures that you will be given an ITA in the ensuing Fast Entry draw.

Canadian Work or Study Experience

More Canadian immigration routes are undoubtedly made available by having work or study experience in Canada. You will need a study permit if you want to further your education in Canada. If you get a letter of admission from a Canadian university, you can move forward and submit an application. Whilst studying, it is legal to attend classes and work either full- or part-time jobs.

A Canadian education from a Recognized Learning Institution is required to qualify for some immigration programmes (DLI). A Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), which also permits you to work in Canada for up to three years, is something that most of the programmes on offer will qualify the candidate for.

Although, if you have completed your studies and are not able to afford foreign student fees, you will be able to get a work permit. There are two types of work permit programs in Canada: The Temporary Foreign Worker Program and the International Mobility Program.

Final Thoughts

Nowadays, Canada is home for many Qataris. You can successfully immigrate to Canada from Qatar as well with the help of migration consultants in Qatar. The Fast Entry and Provincial Nominee Programs are great for moving permanently from Qatar to Canada if you have talents or a professional background.

The Family Sponsorship Class programme might assist you with making a permanent migration to Canada if you have family there. As an alternative, it is simple to relocate from Qatar to Canada on a temporary Canada work permit from Qatar or Study Permit and then change your status to Permanent Residency. Contact us today to know more about settling in Canada from Qatar.

How To Get Residency In Portugal -Complete Guide

Getting temporary or permanent citizenship in Portugal is not complicated compared to many other countries. Unfortunately, it is hard for US citizens to get permanent citizenship in Portugal. The following guide will help you to know the complete process for allowing permanent or temporary permits in Portugal.

As we mentioned, getting a permanent Portugal residency permit is quite simple for people who are living in the EU/EEA or Switzerland to get an easy access permit as per the countries’ citizenship rights act. Let’s look at the important procedure and required documents list needed for a non-European Union citizen to reside in Portugal.

A person from another country should apply for a Portugal residency permit as he/she desires to live/plan to work in Portugal within more than 90 days. The extended residence permit time will be three years per their visa duration period. Different types of permits usually depend on the individual moving norms. So let’s get started to identify the critical follow-up steps…

Steps to get Portugal Temporary Residence Permit

Temporary Portugal residence permit procedures are different as per the type of requests like TRP for employment, self-employment, student permit, family reunification, teaching professions, highly qualified profession, culture promotions, tech visa program, European companies workers, ICT and transferred workers, mobility workers etc. Let’s check them one by one:

Residence permits for work purposes:

  • Leave the application to Portuguese labour authorities
  • Apply for a visa at the embassy of your residential country
  • Once you get an entry visa then move to Portugal and apply for a residence permit to the concerned SEF- Immigration and border service
  • You will get it within a year
  • You can extend your permit as per your requirements.
  • Residence permits for study purposes
  • You should be accepted by an educational institute
  • Valid for one year
  • You can renew the permit card every year
  • Still, if you want to stay there after your education then you must need a job
  • Family reunification
  • Need A spouse or a registered partner
  • A family member includes biological/ accepted child
  • A child who is contingent on the Portuguese resident
  • A direct ancestor
  • Special residence permit

You can access a Portuguese temporary special residence permit in certain special situations

Steps to Get Portugal Permanent Residency

Is it complicated? As similar to temporary residency permits the permanent residency permit is of 4 major types:

  • Work purpose
  • Study purpose
  • Family reunification
  • Special residence permit

Required documents are:

  • Permit application form
  • 2 photographs
  • Passport
  • Valid residence visa
  • Fund proof
  • Accommodation proof
  • Criminal background check
  • Tax proof
  • Medical insurance certificate

So, I hope you got it! If you are planning to move to Portugal, feel free to contact us to know more about its formalities to get a Portugal temporary residence permit or permanent residency. Leave a comment if you are still having any doubts regarding it! We will guide you!

Study Smart, Study Abroad: Discover Qatar’s Best Visa Consultants

As the demand for advanced study abroad among students grows, the demand for expert counselling and help has become critical. These agencies provide full services to help aspiring students realise their aspirations of studying abroad. In this, we will look at the important functions and advantages of these student visa consultants in Qatar.

Expert Guidance:

One of the key advantages associated with hiring a student visa consultants agency is the expert advice they provide. These organisations employ a staff of competent and seasoned advisers who are well-versed in the visa application processes of various nations. They can provide personalised advise based on each student’s educational experience, professional ambitions, and desired location. This guidance ensures that students make educated judgements and choose the best study abroad options for them.

Visa Application Assistance:

Receiving a student visa can be an impossible endeavour due to the often lengthy and intricate application processes. Student visa consultants firms make this process smoother for students by supporting them with the relevant papers, filling out application forms, and following to the special visa criteria of different nations. Their knowledge reduces the possibility of errors or omissions, improving the chances of visa clearance.

Course and University Selection:

Every student has distinct academic interests and career targets. Student visa advisers assist students in accessing a wide range of courses and colleges around the world, restricting the selections depending on the student’s preferences and academic background. This customised strategy guarantees that students select courses and schools that match with their goals, thus boosting their chances of academic success and pleasure.

Financial Guidance:

Tuition, expenses for living, and other related charges all add up to an immense financial investment when studying abroad. Student visa analysis companies provide significant details on the cost of living in various countries as well as information on scholarships, grants, and financial assistance opportunities. Students can arrange their studies overseas despite incurring excessive expenses if they manage their finances correctly.

Pre-departure Assistance:

Preparing to study in a foreign country involves several logistical challenges. Student visa consultants agencies help students with pre-departure arrangements, such as accommodation, travel insurance, and orientation sessions. This support ensures that students feel confident and well-prepared before embarking on their international educational journey.

Post-arrival Support:

Student visa advisers’ responsibilities do not cease when the student gets in their destination country. These organisations frequently provide post-arrival aid, assisting students in adjusting to their new surroundings and overcoming any initial problems. This continual assistance allows students to settle in comfortably and focus on their academics without distractions.

Student visa consultants agencies in Qatar serve as invaluable partners for students aspiring to study abroad. Their expertise, guidance, and support throughout the entire process, from selecting the right course and university to obtaining the student visa and settling into the new country, make the journey smoother and more enjoyable for students. As the number of Qatari students pursuing international education continues to grow, these agencies will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of the nation’s academic landscape.

Smart Voyage Migration is the gateway to a successful study abroad experience! We take great satisfaction in supporting aspiring students like you in accomplishing your ambitions of studying abroad as the best immigration consultancy agency in Qatar. We stand out as the go-to place for all of your visa needs because of our unwavering dedication to innovation and a proven track record of accomplishment.

Why Choose Smart Voyage Migration?

Expert Guidance for Study Abroad Aspirants

Smart Voyage Migration understands that arranging to study abroad can be a daunting task. With so many possibilities, various entrance requirements, and complicated visa procedures, it’s critical to seek expert advice in order to make informed judgements. Our experienced staff of specialists is well-versed in a wide range of international study destinations, universities, and colleges. We have up-to-date information on the most recent visa regulation, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free application process.

Tailored Solutions to Meet Your Unique Needs

Every student is unique, as are their study abroad objectives. Our strategy is centred on knowing your goals and designing personalised solutions that properly match your tastes. We have the knowledge to assist you in making the correct choices for a bright academic career, whether you are pursuing undergraduate degrees, phd programmes, or research opportunities.

Unparalleled Customer Service

Customer satisfaction is our first priority at Smart Voyage Migration(Study Immigration in Qatar). Our devotion to providing excellent services is shown in our attentive and prompt client service. Our team takes on the task of guaranteeing a smooth trip from application to visa embracing from the moment you contact us. Your dreams are our dreams, and we will stop at nothing to make them come true.

Streamlined Visa Application Process

The visa application the procedure might be complicated and time-consuming, but with Smart Voyage Migration on your side, you can say goodbye to any concerns. Our skilled visa professionals will walk you through the whole process, from acquiring required paperwork to preparing for visa interviews, giving you peace of mind so you can focus on your studies.

Transparent and Affordable Services

We believe in open and honest communication with our customers, and there are no hidden fees or surprises. Our pricing structure is competitive and is intended to accommodate a variety of budget constraints. You may be confident that when you work with Smart Voyage Migration, you will get a great deal for your buck and the best likelihood of obtaining a study visa.

Our Services

1. Comprehensive Study Abroad Counseling

Our journey with you starts with an in-depth therapy session in which we learn about your academic background, interests, and career ambitions. Based on this evaluation, we provide expert advice on selecting the best study destination and programme, which consisted ensuring you make an informed selection.

2. University and Course Selection

We present you with a plethora of possibilities thanks to our large network of partner universities and schools globally. Our professionals will guide you through the admission standards, application procedures, and deadlines, allowing you to apply to the institutions that best match your goals.

3. Visa Assistance and Document Preparation

Visa applications can be daunting, but our team simplifies the process for you. We assist in gathering and organizing all the required documents, provide guidance on filling out application forms, and conduct mock interviews to boost your confidence for the visa interview.

4. Test Preparation

Standardised assessments such as IELTS, TOEFL, or GRE are required at multiple study destinations. Smart Voyage Migration gives complete test preparation classes to help you earn the right scores for admission to your ideal college.

5. Pre-Departure Support

Our assistance does not end with the approval of your visa. We provide you with all of the necessary information about lodging, travel, and student life before your departure. Our team is always accessible to answer your questions.

How Smart Voyage Migration Outranks Competitors

Smart Voyage Migration’s unmatched success in outranking other immigration consultant agencies is a testament to our dedication to excellence and providing unparalleled services. We consistently strive to create content that caters to our audience’s needs, delivering relevant and insightful information about studying abroad and visa application processes.


Finally, if you are a student looking to study abroad, Smart Voyage Migration is your one-stop shop for dependable, effective, and competent best immigration consultancy services. Our dedication to assisting you in achieving your academic goals, combined with our great customer service, makes us the top immigration consulting service in Qatar.